Dear Eze

& Nightless Neighbor

Hello Friends!

This week we are launching our bi-weekly Q&A column, “Dear Eze”.

Before we get started, we have an ad partner this week- so exciting! Check out Mood Gummies below for some excellent alchemy you can order right to your home.

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Now, let’s get into it!

Dear Eze,

I live in Baywater, which has been a fantastically charming and peaceful little town, right up until my neighbor moved in and set up shop four months ago. He runs some kind of “reanimation emporium”, and, honestly, I’m scared to ask.

We share a fence on the side of our little home, and the back yard of his property is chock-full of strange sounds and weird shambling, sometimes piercing screams, and it goes on day and night. It’s a huge noise issue!

I’ve gone over to ask, politely, for him to keep his noise down three times already, and the last time he didn’t even answer the door, just sent his assistant. I don’t know what he’s paying his workers, but the guy looked dead on his feet, and it seemed like he barely understood me. Poor thing was probably exhausted.

The street patrol is useless- I’ve asked them to step in five times, telling them that this neighbor is keeping the whole street up, and the nice crone who lives in the cottage on the back side of his property has found bite marks and scratches all over her fence, but they don’t seem to care. I’ve only seen them come out once, the first time I sent a request, and all they did was knock on his door and chat with him awhile. That was it.

My household hasn’t slept through the night in two months, and when I talk to my other neighbors they all tell me the same thing. It’s become very stressful, and I’m starting to feel like I’m at my wits end.

Do you have any advice on how I can respectfully, but firmly, get my neighbor to understand that he lives in a community?

Thanks in advance,

Nightless Neighbor


Dear Nightless,

Wow, that sounds rough. I don’t know about you, but I definitely need a decent nights sleep to stay decent. I’m impressed that you’ve managed to be polite to your neighbor for so long! Very admirable.

Unfortunately, some people just don’t care to acknowledge that there are others around them that they may be impacting with their actions, more’s the pity.

If you’ve already contacted your local patrol and gotten no results, your options get kind of limited. You can go to your local authority (which I believe in Baywater is currently Head Martinsdale?) with a petition about the noise. Make sure to bring as much evidence as you can- written notes about times/volume of noise, a crow recording if you can get one, and absolutely be sure to include testimony about the fence damage from your crone neighbor. Document everything.

Outside of that, and honestly what I would probably do first, is you can get together with the rest of your neighbors and decide on a plan of action together. If this is affecting the community at such a scale, it might be helpful to, politely, show him that by going over together and gently letting it be known that he is causing a disruption. While it is hard to believe that he isn’t aware of it on some level, given your multiple attempts to resolve the issue, he may not understand the impact it’s having. Sometimes a conversation with a group is all it takes.

I do want to circle back around to the bite marks on the crone’s fence. That is concerning, and indicates a potential health hazard. Do you know what kind of bite marks they are? Consider getting an imprint of the markings (Document Everything) and consulting a local expert on teeth or wildlife. I’m sure the crone is perfectly capable (they usually are), but it’s better to be safe than sorry, and a bit of evidence goes a long way.

Best of luck,

Eze C

We’ll be back with another “Dear Eze” in two weeks! If you have a question you would like to send in, shoot us a message at [email protected].


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