Four Plays by Tianai the Bard

and when to catch them

The cultural scene in the city of Gedira has always been rich and vibrant, and few artists embody this depth and beauty as thoroughly as the playwright and musician Tianai.

Starting out as a humble bard, Tianai made her living traveling from town to village to hamlet, performing her own renditions of popular folk songs. It wasn’t until she wrote her first play, Shandrial the Gold, a one woman show narrating the life of the ancient jewel-smith, that her name began to be known across the continent.

Following her rise in fame, Tianai has written, produced, directed, and often starred in her own works throughout her decades long career, before receding into what was believed by many to be a permanent retirement three years ago. Now, emerging from her quiet residence on the outskirts of Gedira, Tianai makes her stunning revival with not two, not three, but four full plays.

Here is our (spoiler free) knowledge of what’s to come:

The Maiden and the Kelpie

The Maiden and the Kelpie follows the story of a young woman known only as the Maiden, as she fights to escape imprisonment by an evil prince and his pet wizard. But when the Maiden escapes with the help of a dark horse that is hiding a vicious secret, her dreams of building a life away from her tormentors collapse beneath her. A tragic tale of grief, betrayal, and a desperate fight for freedom, The Maiden and the Kelpie is not to be missed. Tragedy enjoyers, this one’s for you.

The First Knights of Whittleberry

A rousing tale of heroism and community, The First Knights of Whittleberry is a fictional account of the founding of Whittleberry. Inspired by a collection of historical documents recently discovered by the Duchess of Whittleberry, and exhaustive interviews of the current residents of the hamlet, The First Knights describes the struggle of a settlement of farmers as they attempt to defend themselves against a horde of bandits intent on stealing their crop. Witness as these determined country-folk band together in defense of their community. Rumor has it that this play will feature live smithing by none other than Alys the Broad, famed war-smith and local celebrity to the residents of Gedira.

King Winniepeg and the Pitiless Harem

Join King Winniepeg, newly established ruler of the Kingdom of Maltick, as she attempts to make peace with as many families, counties, and nations as possible by building up a harem of beyond comical proportions. A wild and emotional comedy full of intricate plays for power, complicated relationships, and astounding depths of intimacy, this play follows a ruler who is determined to create a peaceful nation by any means necessary.

King Winniepeg and the Pitiless Harem features prolonged nudity and adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Bumbletrumpet and the Last Thaw

A new take on a classic tale, Bumbletrumpet and the Last Thaw follows the adventures of Bumbletrumpet, a gnomish craftsman whose mother is slowly wasting away from an affliction of the deep chill, as he travels to the far reaches of the Northern Continent in search of a mysterious artifact rumored to ensure it’s beholder never suffers from the cold. An emotional story of hope, bravery, and family, Bumbletrumpet and the Last Thaw is a visceral retelling that will bring you to tears.

All four plays are scheduled to be performed exclusively in the city of Gedira over the next two seasons before their manuscripts will be made available to the public. Tianai has released a statement stating that this will be the only period in which she will have a direct hand in the productions, so be sure to catch them by the master before she disappears once more!

Thanks again to everyone who sent in well-wishes and, in some cases, pitched in on our street to help clear the rumble left by the trolls rampage last week- you made a huge impact for all us local businesses. Al says we wouldn’t have bounced back near as quickly without y’all.

In thanks, Carneistan’s Bakery is giving out free butter toffees and complimentary iced sweet-pods through the next ten-day, and Joel’s Haberdashery and Fine Tailor is offering steep discounts on all shoe cobbling until St. Elm’s day. Don’t miss out!

In community,

-Eze Clearwater

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