Dear Eze

Training in Tearhollow & Notable Events

Dear Eze,

My child is getting to an age where it is appropriate for them to apprentice in a trade. The only thing they’ve shown an interest in so far has been magic, and they have an aptitude for it (you only need one spontaneous fire in the barn to know your kid’s got talent).

The thing is, I’m only a poor cobbler. I don’t have any connections, or enough funds, to send them anywhere prestigious. Working on a single income, I can barely afford to send them anywhere at all. I’m strapped.

We’ve always been a big fan of your columns, and I know you’ve interviewed some amazing casters over your career. Is there any chance you know someone, or know someone who knows someone, who is looking to take on a student for a reasonable fee?

Either way, thanks for listening,

Training in Tearhollow

Dear Training in Tearhollow,

Spontaneous combustion already, and at such a young age! You’re absolutely correct when you say your kid is showing aptitude.

While schooling for a young magic user can cost a pretty penny, there are a multitude of alternative paths that one can take, especially if they’re not shy of a little effort. If your child is willing, I would probably recommend a one-on-one apprenticeship- classic, cost-effective, and generally produces generous results. Some of the best casters on the continent have been singular apprenticeships.

The downside for many is often the requirement that the student travel to the master and reside with them for the length of the apprenticeship, which, with a large majority of casters willing to take on students, means living deep in the holler in various woods/mountainous/or marshland regions with little to no leave to visit home. It’s an intense, and often isolating course of study, but the result are unmatched.

Given that your child is already showing aptitude (and in fire, no less!), I cannot recommend finding them a teacher fast enough. While I can’t list off names for you in a public forum (casters can get really upset when you broadcast their private details, for some reason), I will forward you the details on a few notable names that you can reach out to. The majority of them will accept your kid for nothing more than the cost of the journey and the willingness to learn.

As intimidating as it can seem, this is an exciting time in the life of a young magic user. I hope this news brings joy and possibility, and that they are ready to embark on the adventure of their lifetime!

Best of luck!

-Eze C

Notable Events

Wansborne Annual Bog Race takes place this weekend. Final applications looking to join may apply with Head Niccola at her office in the town square.

Mittflare is hosting a Craftsman Showcase in two months time. All comers advised to have their booths registered by the month prior.

Preparation for Gedira’s Hibernaculum has begun. Those in need of assistance, from the city treasury or otherwise, are advised to reach out to Gedira’s City Council Office.

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